With each production, we seek to create a cast of lovable characters to win the hearts of children and inspire them to do great things.
We work with licensees to give them access to our series beyond the screen in various ways.
Our licensing team creates opportunities for children and families to experience their favorite characters multi-dimensionally through publishing, merchandise, stage shows, and more through e-commerce, major retailers, and performance venues.
We work to create strong, recognizable brands to carry our mission forward and look forward to partnering with you today.
To inquire about licensing collaboration or for more information, contact licensing@fredrogers.org
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I license music from an FRP production?
Please send all music licensing inquiries for music from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood to MRNmusic@fredrogers.org, and all requests for music from other Fred Rogers Productions programming to FRPmusic@fredrogers.org.
In your email, please include the following:
- The legal name, address, and email address of the entity seeking the license. This may be the name of an individual, or a corporate name.
- Song Title
- Type of license sought (note that some licensing requests may require more than one type of license):
- Mechanical License: A mechanical license is a license that grants the holder permission to make copies of a recorded copyrighted musical composition. You must obtain a mechanical license if you intend to record it and make copies for distribution or personal use. The rate for a mechanical license is set by the U.S. government.
- Synchronization License: This license is required for any use of FRP music in combination with visual images. You must obtain a synchronization license if you intend to use music in film, television, video (all formats), websites, etc. Approval and rates are dependent upon the requested use.
- Master Use License: This license is required for the use of any existing, FRP-owned or controlled recording of a song, or any portion thereof. For example, the use of any recording of Fred Rogers performing a song would require a master use license. Approval and rates are dependent upon the requested use.
- Performance License: This license is required if you are seeking to perform a song publically. This includes both live performance and performance of a recording in a public setting. If you are seeking a performance license, please be sure to indicate whether the venue in which you plan on performing a song carries an ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC license. Approval and rates are dependent upon the requested use.
- Detailed description of the proposed use. Please be as specific as possible.
- Proposed term, territory, and method of distribution (if applicable).
Can I license a video clip?
Please send all requests for video clips from any FRP property to clips@fredrogers.org.
In your email, please include the following:
- The legal name, address, and email address of the entity seeking the license. This may be the name of an individual, or a corporate name.
- A detailed description of the video clip that you would like to license. Please be sure to include the program, the episode number, approximate length of the clip, and a description of exactly the clip that you would like. Please be specific as possible.
- The proposed use of the clip, including the type of project (news, documentary, educational, commercial, etc.), and a detailed description of the context in which the clip will be used.
- The proposed term, territory, and methods of distribution of the project in which the clip will appear.
Approval and rates are dependent upon the requested use.
Can I license trademarked or copyrighted assets for merchandise?
For all merchandising inquiries, please send an email to merchandising@fredrogers.org.
In your email, please include the following:
- The legal name, address, and email address of the entity seeking the license. This may be the name of an individual, or a corporate name.
- A detailed description of the asset license. Please be specific.
- The proposed use of the asset. Please be specific.
- The proposed term, territory, and methods of distribution of the project in which the asset will appear.
Approval and rates are dependent upon the requested use.
Note: Fred Rogers Productions does not license its copyrighted materials or trademarks for the purpose of third-party branding or fundraising.
Can I license trademarked or copyrighted assets for a book, article, personal use, or some other purpose?
For all other uses (books, articles, personal, etc.), please send all requests to licensing@fredrogers.org.
In your email, please include the following:
- The legal name, address, and email address of the entity seeking the license. This may be the name of an individual, or a corporate name.
- A detailed description of the asset license. Please be specific.
- The proposed use of the asset. Please be specific.
- The proposed term, territory, and methods of distribution of the project in which the asset will appear.
Approval and rates are dependent upon the requested use.
Note: Fred Rogers Productions does not license its copyrighted materials or trademarks for the purpose of third-party branding or fundraising.